Friday, February 7, 2014

Necessary Endings

Have you ever waited for God's direction - you know, whether to go or stay? Change or not? Move or stay? Well, I have, and believe me it can be a most frustrating process!  Most of the time you're afraid of making a mistake: moving too soon; too slow; right place, wrong time or vice versa; or about whether you heard God at all!? It's mind boggling!

There is grace for God's wisdom and direction!

For one thing, whenever God does a new thing, He always tells us first. Is. 42:9.  He promises to guide us with His eye. He said, "I will lead you and guide you into all truth, and show you things that are to come."  But you're not going to see anything in the Bible that says, "You should quit today; or accept that new promotion," etc.  So how do we know?  How do we know when to move on?

I'm put in mind of the eagle, who begins to make the nest very uncomfortable for the baby eaglets when it's time for them to learn how to fly. God's ways often mimic this process when He wants to prompt us to move/shift.  I wasn't feeling confident about my ability to hear God and discern His timing. I wanted to know with absolute certainty, but I was afraid I would miss God. I cried out for wisdom and the courage to move.  God lead me to a special resource that helped me to operate in reality in terms of what was hindering me in executing a necessary ending:  the book, "Necessary Endings" by Dr. Henry Cloud.  (I highly recommend this resource as a valuable tool to assist you on your journey.)  In his book, Dr. Cloud speaks of the courage it takes to end a thing when it is no longer working or beneficial.  I drew immense strength, courage and wisdom and was empowered to do what I needed to do.

Weeks passed. Then something happened that I thought would surely weaken my resolve: the government shut-down.  Of course, my husband was affected, but by God's grace, we had leadership commissions due from our business that took us over the hump.  Not only that, this was only a temporary measure:  we would be at another political impasse in January, and could possibly find ourselves on financially unstable footing again!  I thought, "Now what, God?" How am I supposed to do this in the midst of all of this? 

The Lord told me this was going to be a step of faith. It was not going to be comfortable or safe, and I couldn't allow money to be the determining factor.  I could not walk by faith and by sight at the same time.

Sure enough, true to Himself, God spoke, and His direction was very clear.  Like the father eagle, He presented me with a set of circumstances that made it impossible for me to remain in my present condition.  I was able to see things clearly, as they really are and move to the point of executing a necessary ending.  He spoke clearly - you guessed it - just 2 weeks before the gov't shutdown!  Talk about timing! This was one of those situations where you have to decide if you're going to trust God or not!

I responded in obedience. God knows just what it takes to get us moving!  A most serious set of circumstances turned me upside down for a minute, but after fulfilling the responsibilities of my office, I had the release from God to go. I knew it was God because His peace bathed my spirit like a warm blanket.  Always let the peace of God rule in your heart.

Now, make no mistake: in my humanity I was afraid of the unknown; I think most of us would be; but I discovered that somewhere along the way my faith had been strengthened! My trust in God - for once - outweighed my fear.  God was speaking to me everyday!  The more He spoke the stronger and more confident in Him I felt.  I don't know what all God has in store; I do know His plans for me are good and not evil; I have a future and a hope, amen?

Eyes have not seen, nor ears heard what God has for me, but He will reveal it to me by His Spirit!
Necessary endings invite new beginnings!
Join me! It's going to be the adventure of a lifetime!!

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