Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Assignment Against the Assignment

Get Ready to War!!

"The older I get, the more I realize that being "out of uniform" can be most costly to my life and my God-given assignment."

God has given us weapons for warfare.  They are mighty through God to destroy every stronghold and bring the enemy to his wicked knees!  The thing to remember is that in this battle, we can never let our guard down - not in this day and time.

I've learned that we need to appropriate the "whole armor of God" every day in order to walk in victory.

The Weapons of Our Warfare - Read Ephesians 6:10-20

So I returned to the disciplines of the faith with a renewed passion to seek His face:  spending time praying in the Spirit and reading the Word of God; serving Him and His people with my spiritual and natural gifts; giving; and most importantly, spending time in worship and solitude, cultivating His Presence.  I began to feed my faith on every occasion; keeping my relationships clear of division/strife and unforgiveness; and living a holy life, seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness.  You see we have to put on the "full" armor of God - not just part of it.  We have to be fully dressed so that the enemy cannot take advantage of us.  That is the key to victory.

The attack is certain.  Beloved, you can't stop or prevent spiritual warfare.  It comes with the territory.  But you can take the offensive by being prepared for the attack.  Don't let the enemy steal you time, talent and treasure!  The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy; but Jesus said He has come that we might have life - and that more abundantly!  Resist the devil, and he will flee."
- Excerpt from "The Way Makers - Ambassadors of Christ"

As Ambassadors for Christ, we are called to the front lines of the battle in this end-time hour. There's a great door and effectual open unto us, but there are many adversaries.   Right now prayer and intercession is our most powerful weapon.  It's the only way to receive wartime strategies for the days ahead.

We are Apostolic Ambassadors  - on official assignment.

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