Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas!

You know much is made of the fact that Christ is often lost in Christmas; but you know just because someone doesn't acknowledge Christ in Christmas, doesn't remove our right to celebrate Him!  I was watching a movie sometime ago; I can't remember the name of it, but the message stayed with me: 

There was a loner who had just moved to town.  He was very angry and bitter.  The town always erected a cresh in the town center during the Christmas season, but this man launched a campaign to have it removed permanently.  At first the townspeople fought back in righteous indignation, until one night they decided to change their strategy.  They ceased fighting and decided instead to demonstrate what CHRISTmas was all about.  They began to help one another, they baked cookies for children, prepared meals for the homeless, and every single day they did something for this man.  They brought him meals, they sang carols in front of his house, they found out that he was in financial ruin and had no furniture, or food or heat.  They pooled their resources and provided for his needs.  The man was completely overwhelmed!  His heart softened and the love of God was able to penetrate and bring healing to his soul...selah.  You see he succeeded in having the cresh removed, but that act could not stop the power of God's love.  This was a powerful demonstration of how we can change lives by just "being" a real Christian.  No one can take that away from us! 

Jesus said, "all power and authority have been given unto Me."  That same power and authority abides in every believer.  We have Jesus' power of attorney!  We shall do the same works as He and even greater works, so says the Word of God.  The people of that town in the movie were real Way Makers!  Let us just "be" Christians and thereby prepare the way of the Lord in the lives of others, and so fulfill our call as true Way Makers.  Amen! 

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